Site Lease Agreement
Site Lease Agreement
A Site Lease Agreement securing the right to own and operate a solar or other type of cleantech system on property is essential when the real property owner and system owner are not the same entities. Investors will require a robust agreement be in place. This type of arrangement can take the form of a property owner leasing land to a solar project developer, a wind farm developer or another novel type of developer of renewable technologies. This Site Lease Agreement covers right of use, access, O&M, system and energy output ownership protections, tax provisions defining the environmental attributes, incentives, and tax credits, lendor protections and rights, interconnection provisions, rent, indemnity, limits of liability, insurance, assignment and termination.
Alan S.
Great buy...
Trevor B.
Never thought I would write a positive review for a law site. CAn't say enough great things about you guys. All the agreements are truly excellent. Keep it up!